Improve nonprofitsโ€™ business performance

Match talented professionals to nonprofit boards

Facilitate strategic planning, work sessions, and retreats

Strengthen nonprofit boardโ€™s efficacy and governance


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  • “It was a wonderful experience getting to know teammates who each bring different experiences and expertise and then working together to support a local non-profit. The non-profit leaders were very engaged and appreciative. Looking forward to doing it again!”

  • “Our Compass volunteers brought incredible skills and knowledge to a key research project we have been eager to explore for some time. Through the work of these amazing pro bono consultants, we were able to conduct a market analysis of a major growth area for our organization and build an implementation plan that our board and staff can put into action!”

  • “The final product was exactly what was requested and what we needed. In addition to providing the information that we asked for, which was to synthesize stakeholder input on our program services, it also created a more engaged dialogue from my board members than we have had at a meeting in a long time. My group is now energized and ready to move on to our next action steps.โ€