Upcoming Information Sessions

On Board Info Session 11/13 at 12:30 p.m. ET Register Here

General Info Session 11/14 at 6:00 p.m. ET Register Here

Our pro bono consulting options fit your unique schedule, interests, and goals.

Minimum eligibility requirements:

On Track

On Demand

Applications now open in all cities

Project types

Board Development+

Board Development projects aim to improve effectiveness and engagement to sustain a high-performing board. The Compass team provides an objective evaluation of board operations and structure, and offers recommendations to build a solid foundation of governance, recruitment, onboarding, committee functions and charters, effective meetings, reporting, and communications. Compass can assess board member satisfaction, provide best practices for leadership evaluation, and help the board identify gaps in skills, industry expertise, board expertise, and representation. Projects may also include guidance on leadership succession planning and strategies for involving the board in development efforts.

Decision Support+

Decision Support Projects are designed to provide data-driven support to nonprofit leaders faced with an opportunity or challenge that requires resolution, and in the process ensure alignment with the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the organization. Through scenario planning, financial modeling, and/or customized tools, these projects help nonprofit leaders evaluate and prioritize options, chart a course for the future, and ensure strategic alignment of operational activities. Specifically, a Compass team can 1) conduct research, generate data, analyze information, and create frameworks to support decision-making, 2) evaluate the consequences of course adjustments or pursuing opportunities, and 3) and support nonprofits as they plan next steps.

Funding Strategy+

Funding Strategy projects provide guidance to position the organization for greater fundraising success. Depending on the organizationโ€™s activities and opportunities, the Compass team can assess revenue sources and revenue generation methods, analyze funding streams, and provide guidance to broaden or deepen current sources of revenue, identify untapped sources for funding, and screen out less promising avenues. Compass typically provides recommendations to improve fundraising processes and external communications, and required organizational support, including board engagement.

New Ventures+

Nonprofit leaders often have great ideas for new programs or earned income ventures but lack the organizational bandwidth to evaluate them and create a launch plan. A Compass team will gather the data and conduct the research and analysis to determine the feasibility of a new initiative and recommend a framework for launching the product. The initial project phase includes a feasibility assessment comprised of market and competitive analysis, financial modeling, and an examination of strategic, organizational, and operational considerations that would lead to a go/no go recommendation. Following a โ€œgoโ€ recommendation, the team would focus on next steps to operationalize the venture, including potential pilot program design. Alternatively, following a โ€œno goโ€ recommendation, the Compass team may explore related new ideas or ways to expand or enhance existing programs. Applicants to this service line must propose a specific new venture for evaluation.

Partnerships, Collaborations, & Mergers+

Partnerships, Collaborations & Mergers projects help nonprofits make more efficient use of resources as they consider partnering with other organizations with complementary expertise and strengths to fulfill a common mission. Compass can help assess the value and appropriateness of strategic partnerships, collaborations, or mergers and offer recommendations and an analysis of resulting implications.

Strategic Alignment+

Strategic Alignment projects can help nonprofits examine their mission, vision, programs, targeted beneficiaries, desired changes, strategic objectives and supporting activities to understand how to achieve the greatest impact. Strategic Alignment projects can quantify and analyze the allocation of financial and staff resources across programs and compare this data against organizational priorities, as well as evaluate opportunities for service or program development. These projects can also take the form of a โ€œstrategic planning prepโ€ project and help ensure that the Board and organization leadership are aligned around mission, vision, and key choices in preparation for strategic planning and/or long-term goal setting.

Strategic Marketing+

Strategic Marketing projects help nonprofits better fulfill their mission and vision through effective marketing. The Compass team can devise a strategy to (1) establish existing services or products in a new market, or (2) introduce a new service or product* in an existing market. Recommendations would be based on an understanding of the market, consumers, pricing research if applicable, internal operations, and best practices. The team can help the client create a positioning statement and relevant messaging, develop a financial model to determine pricing, identify appropriate marketing channels, research investment required to execute, and create an overarching marketing strategy to raise awareness of a nonprofitโ€™s offering. Please note: projects do not include collateral development. *For new services or products that are in the idea stage, please see New Ventures Service Line description.

Technology and Data Strategy+

Technology Strategy Projects help nonprofits leverage technology to enhance their ability to deliver on their missions and support their short- and long-term goals. Project objectives may include developing a more cohesive and efficient technology strategy overall or in a specific service area, or may focus more narrowly on how data collection and analytics can better enable strategic decision-making and impact reporting. Compass can also help nonprofits understand how to design and implement existing or new services that could be offered using digital technologies. These projects will assess and provide recommendations for staffing, processes, and technology associated with the organizationโ€™s stated project objective.
The volunteer team

Management consulting


Marketing & Communications

Data Analytics


Human Resources

Volunteer roles

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Washington DC


Application deadlines: September 23 (Project Leaders), October 7 (Team Members)

Project options:

8-month: mid-October-May 30

4-month: mid-October-late February


Application opens: January 6

Application closes: February 4 (Project Leaders), February 14 (Team Members)

Project length: 4 months, late-February-June 27



Application deadlines: September 23 (Project Leaders), October 7 (Team Members)

Project options:

8-month, mid-October-May 30

4-month, mid-October-late February


Application opens: January 6

Application closes: February 4 (Project Leaders), February 14 (Team Members)

Projects run: 4 months, late-February-June 27



Applications have now closed


Projects run: late February-June 27

Application opens: January 6

Application closes: February 4 (Project Leaders), February 14 (Team Members)

Minneapolis-St. Paul


Applications have now closed


Application opens: January 6

Application closes: February 4 (Project Leaders), February 14 (Team Members)

Projects run: late February-June 27

Volunteer roles

Project Areas
  • Cash Flow Analysis: Evaluate cash inflows and outflows over a fixed period
  • Financial Model Creation: Forecast for revenues and expenses for a fixed period, based on a revised assessment of finances
  • Digital Strategy Review: Receive recommendations related to donation engagement online and related processes
  • Donor Analysis: Support for identifying most valuable categories of donors for outreach, using historical data and trends
  • Map the Donor/Member/Patron Experience: Conduct an audit of donor, member, or patron journey, and provide recommendations to improve interaction across platforms
  • Research: Provide an annotated list of relevant grant and funding opportunities
  • Board Development: Review governance challenges (e.g., the articulation of the roles/responsibilities or appropriate activities of a nonprofit board); propose course of action recommendations
  • Bylaws and Policies: Review with proposed recommendations for bylaws or policies regarding board operations, may include liabilities
Human Resources
  • Benefits and Compensation: Review with recommendations for new or existing policies
  • Organizational Management: Evaluate staffing needs, organizational structure, or employee engagement
  • Transition/Succession: Develop a plan for future continuity of operations and leadership
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Assess existing DEI efforts for updates; develop plan for staff or Board recruitment and retention
  • Communications Audit/Strategy Review: Review and/or refine messages for existing communications platforms
  • Marketing Strategy Review: Review and recommend a plan, program or event; may include comparative analysis, market research, stakeholder analysis, etc.
  • Partner Identification/Merger Assessment: Review the risks and benefits of a merger or partnerships, may include development of selection criteria, a feasibility review of existing programs, cash flow required to support programs, virtual options, suspension, etc.
  • Programs Assessment: Assess feasibility of existing programs, may include review of cash flow required to support programs, virtual options, suspension, and partnerships
  • Data Management: Assess data collection processes, tools, and analysis to better support decision-making
  • Scouting: Support to identify requirements for new technology or tools; develop an acquisition and adoption strategy
  • Technology Optimization: Assess existing technology capabilities and develop recommendations for more effective use of existing technology
Matching Process