The client
The Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County (DAP) works to reduce the incidence of domestic violence in Delaware County through victim advocacy, child advocacy, safe shelter, crisis counseling, and legal counseling and representation. DAP’s mission is to improve the quality of life of women and children living in Delaware County by offering clients support, safety, and dignity.
The project
The onset of the pandemic was a disrupting force for many families; recognizing changing needs, DAP sought to remain a strong resource for its clients. DAP applied for a Funding Strategy project through Compass in hopes of receiving support in bolstering its fundraising efforts. Soon thereafter, a team of Compass volunteers got to work on an eight-month pro bono consulting project to address these needs. By conducting primary research, stakeholder interviews, and a comprehensive financial analysis, the Compass team was able to make targeted and strong recommendations for strengthening DAP’s fundraising practices.
In the year since the project’s conclusion, DAP has seen a significant impact from the work done by Compass Pro Bono
- Seeking to bring their development efforts to new heights, DAP hired a Director of Advancement. Julie Avalos, DAP’s Executive Director, writes that “Completing the work with [the Compass team] inspired me to take the leap and truly invest in fundraising efforts.”
- With the Compass team’s support, DAP has fully integrated and embraced a new CRM software. This transition has enabled staff to track donor relationships, create data-informed strategies, and automate data entry processes—freeing up time and energy to focus on DAP’s core programming.
- DAP has adopted Compass-recommended tools to track and strategize stewardship with donors, allowing for greater board involvement and communication with key donors.
- DAP recently completed its annual appeal campaign, tripling their fundraising goal.
At DAP’s Annual Board meeting, the Compass team was presented with DAP’s 2022 Community Partnership Award in recognition of their extraordinary support of DAP’s vision and mission.
Avalos writes that the team’s recommendations have “helped make the first half of the year a VERY successful one for DAP,” impacting “the daily operations of the organization, the overall success of our work, and ultimately the lives of the domestic violence survivors we serve each day.”