Group of volunteers in a meeting

Learn about our why

Volunteer Celebration, Minneapolis-St. Paul

Our Mission

Compass Pro Bono forges lasting ties between local nonprofits and local business professionals to empower thriving, equitable, resilient communities.

Our Vision

Every community has a thriving and integrated nonprofit sector where capital, assets, and human capital flow seamlessly.

Our Theory of Change

If Compass Pro Bono curates meaningful engagements between local nonprofits and local business professionals, then the deep connections critical to thriving, equitable, resilient communities will result.

Twin Cities Volunteer Celebration 2023

Our Core Values

Our values lie at the heart of who we are and what drives our work. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is embedded in, and central to, all of our values. These values guide our programs, our day-to-day decisions, and how we show up in the world.

We put people first and prioritize well-being.

We center relationships in all that we do.

We are intentional in seeking out varied perspectives and co-creating with our partners.

We strive to create space for everyone to show up authentically.

We take time to ensure that we’re being thoughtful, rigorous, and transparent in our work.

We embrace opportunities to learn and grow every day.