Philadelphia 10th Anniversary Celebration

Upcoming Information Session for Nonprofits

September 5 at 1:00 p.m. ET

We Speak Your Language

Our team has, combined, hundreds of years of nonprofit leadership and skilled volunteer experience – all at local nonprofits.

of nonprofits would recommend Compass Pro Bono to another nonprofit

We Vet & Train Volunteers for You

We hand-pick diverse local business leaders. We equip them to be effective volunteer consultants. We teach them to translate their expertise into your world.

of nonprofits rate our volunteer work as 
good as or better than paid consultants

We’re There for You at Every Step

We don’t match and run. Our team is involved at every step of every engagement to ensure your goals are met.

of nonprofits reported having a valuable Compass Pro Bono experience

On Track

Free, in-depth guidance on your organization’s complex strategic challenges

4-8 months ◦ Team Size: 5-9

On Demand

Free, quick, high-impact support for acute business challenges

8 weeks ○ Team Size: 1

On Board

Get matched to a trained and qualified board candidate excited to join your board and ready to add immediate value

Strategic Planning

Facilitated strategic planning, work sessions, and retreats

Lisa Gaffney

Director of Strategic Planning

Nonprofits we’ve worked with

Project topics

  • “Working with Compass will add value to our organization now and in years to come. We were fortunate to have such qualified and intelligent folks to work with and who cared enough to be connected to the mission of Bringing Hope Home. We’re very grateful.”

    Paul Isenberg

  • “Working with a Compass team on Technology Strategies has been a game changer for our non-profit. We all know to ask questions and listen to people who have expertise in the areas of interest. That’s just what we did. The team had ideas that never dawned on any of us on the staff or Board as to ways to streamline processes to be as efficient as possible.”

  • “The Compass team was so incredibly genuine – they not only were committed to the work, they were truly interested and seemed to be having such fun helping us. They were an incredible bunch of people and each brought a different skill set to the project. It was an incredible experience.”