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pro bono
Upcoming Information Sessions for Nonprofits
General Info Session 04/10 at 1:00 p.m. ET Register Here
Vetted, trained business experts help you tackle your most pressing business challenges – for free.
Our team does the hard work of curating your project, so you can focus on what matters most. We:
- Work with you to scope a problem that a consultant can solve
- Recruit and thoroughly vet skilled volunteers for you
- Hand-pick volunteer matches to fit your unique needs
- Train volunteer consultants to work with you effectively
- Actively support you and your consultants throughout the entire engagement
Why work with us
Customized recommendations for your organization
Personalized data analytics
Tailored market research
Thought partner support
Detailed presentations to your leadership & board
Financial models & analytic tools adapted for your situation
Facilitated focus groups and strategy sessions
New connections to the local business community
Authentic, equitable relationships with local business leaders
New champions and supporters
Minimum elIgibility requirements
- Registered IRS 501(c)(3) organization
- Active Board of Directors
- Mission supports one of our metro-regions (Chicago, DC, Minneapolis-St. Paul, or Philadelphia)
- Mission does not promote specific religious beliefs or political parties
Upcoming Information Sessions for Nonprofits
General Info Session 04/10 at 1:00 p.m. ET Register Here
On Track
Free, in-depth guidance on your organization’s complex strategic challenges
- 4-8 months
- Teams of 5-9 consultants
- Minimum organizational budget requirement varies by city
- Minimum staff size requirement varies by city
On Demand
Free, quick, high-impact support for acute business challenges
- 8 weeks
- Work 1:1 with a consultant
- No minimum organizational budget requirement
- No minimum staff size requirement
On track
Receive an entire team of hand-picked volunteer consultants equipped to tackle your organization’s complex strategic challenge.
What you’ll get: A customized, evidence-based game plan to move your organization forward.
How it works: We’ll help you scope your pain points into a business strategy problem that a consulting team can solve. Then, we hand-pick, train, and support a team of volunteers to solve your challenge over a 4-8 month period.
Who you’ll work with: Vetted local business professionals from a variety of industries, many of whom hold MBAs from top-tier institutions.
Start your application!
Create an account in our new portal
On Track projects must fit within one of the following service lines. Schedule a scoping call with our team to talk through options for your organization.
Board Development
Board Development projects aim to improve effectiveness and engagement to sustain a high-performing board.
8-month project description: The Compass team provides an objective evaluation of board operations and structure, and offers recommendations to build a solid foundation of governance, recruitment, onboarding, committee functions and charters, effective meetings, reporting, and communications. Compass can assess board member satisfaction, provide best practices for leadership evaluation, and help the board identify gaps in skills, industry expertise, board expertise, and representation. Projects may also include guidance on leadership succession planning and strategies for involving the board in development efforts.
4-month project descriptions (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Board Gap and Performance Assessment. Survey and interview the board of directors to identify gaps in skills, industry expertise, board expertise, satisfaction with board performance, and opportunities for improvement.
- Board Structure and Organization. Review the board’s organization, structure, roles and responsibilities, accountabilities, processes, and goal setting. Review by-laws and board’s policies and procedures. Make recommendations for further development.
- Board Role: Fundraising Best Practices. Define the roles and responsibilities of the Board’s Development Committee and its relationship with the Director of Development and fundraising staff. Shared goal setting. Give or Get concept, and training board members to be spokespeople for your organization.
Decision Support
8-month project description: Decision Support Projects are designed to provide data-driven support to nonprofit leaders faced with an opportunity or challenge that requires resolution, and in the process ensure alignment with the mission, vision, and strategic priorities of the organization. Through scenario planning, financial modeling, and/or customized tools, these projects help nonprofit leaders evaluate and prioritize options, chart a course for the future, and ensure strategic alignment of operational activities. Specifically, a Compass team can 1) conduct research, generate data, analyze information, and create frameworks to support decision-making, 2) evaluate the consequences of course adjustments or pursuing opportunities, and 3) and support nonprofits as they plan next steps.
4-month project description: Decision Support Projects are designed to provide data-driven support to nonprofit leaders faced with an opportunity or challenge that requires resolution. In Decision Support Projects, a Compass team can 1) generate data, analyze information, and create frameworks to support current and future decision-making, and/or 2) evaluate the consequences of course adjustments or opportunities, and 3) provide decision making support to nonprofits as they plan next steps.
Funding Strategy
Funding Strategy projects provide guidance to position the organization for greater fundraising success.
8-month project description: Depending on the organization’s activities and opportunities, the Compass team can assess revenue sources and revenue generation methods, analyze funding streams, and provide guidance to broaden or deepen current sources of revenue, identify untapped sources for funding, and screen out less promising avenues. Compass typically provides recommendations to improve fundraising processes and external communications, and required organizational support, including board engagement. These projects are more successful when the organization has a current strategic plan in place.
4-month project descriptions (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Funding Sources and Uses Analysis. Is your organization overly dependent on any particular source of funds? What opportunities exist for diversification, if any? Review how comparable organizations are raising funds. Analyze how competitors are raising funds. What investment is required to generate a specific new funding source?
- Assess Return on Investment (ROI) of Key Activities. Review sources and uses of revenues for specific activities (programming, events) and identify which programs are net sources of revenue and which are net users, or when a specific investment will break even (does the activity produce a positive return on investment (ROI)?). Identify analysis your organization should be performing regularly to ensure that dollars are getting the best possible use.
- Cultivation Strategies to Increase Donor Contributions. Analyze the donor population. Focus groups with donors. What benefits are most attractive to a specific donor population to ensure renewed subscriptions and/or increased support. Best practices in comparable organizations. Identify which benefits are most attractive to specific donor demographics.
- Best Practices in Funding Strategies for Industry Segment. Literature and Internet search for best practices, innovative approaches. Interview subject matter experts and ‘best in class’ organizations for new opportunities.
New Ventures
Nonprofit leaders often have great ideas for new programs or earned income ventures but lack the organizational bandwidth to evaluate them or create a launch plan.
8-month project description: A Compass team will gather the data and conduct the research and analysis to determine the feasibility of a new initiative and recommend a framework for launching the product. The initial project phase includes a feasibility assessment comprising of market and competitive analysis, financial modeling, and an examination of strategic, organizational, and operational considerations that would lead to a go/no go recommendation. Following a “go” recommendation, the team would focus on next steps to operationalize the venture, including potential pilot program design. Alternatively, following a “no go” recommendation, the Compass team may explore related new ideas or ways to expand or enhance existing programs. Applicants to this service line must propose a specific new venture for evaluation.
4-month project description: A Compass team will gather the data and conduct the analysis to assess the feasibility of a new initiative. A project would include market and competitive research, financial modeling, and an examination of strategic, organizational, and operational considerations that leadership would need to make a more informed decision about moving forward.
Organizational Performance
4-month project descriptions (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Performance Evaluation, Feedback and Development for Staff. Review processes for employee position posting, hiring, and orientation, setting expectations, training, providing feedback, and getting employee input. Ensure that your organization is taking steps appropriate to get the right person in the right job, ensure that they are trained and acculturated properly, and avoid non-performance issues.
- Job Descriptions and Goal Setting/ Evaluation for Senior Staff. Review position descriptions, organization structure, scope of responsibility, and goal setting for senior staff positions.
- Organizational Performance Evaluation and Goal Setting. Help the board with annual goal setting for your organization, for programs and processes, and for key staff, including performance evaluation processes. Review/ update the position descriptions of the ED and senior staff as needed.
- Dashboards/Performance Metrics/Best Practices for Industry Segment. Survey comparable organizations and available literature to identify the best practices in performance evaluation and measurement for that industry. Help the nonprofit develop performance metrics, at a high level, that are appropriate to its needs and consistent with the best practices in the industry.
Partnerships, Collaborations, and Mergers
8-month project description: Partnerships, Collaborations & Mergers projects help nonprofits make more efficient use of resources as they consider partnering with other organizations with complementary expertise and strengths to fulfill a common mission. Compass can help assess the value and appropriateness of strategic partnerships, collaborations, or mergers and offer recommendations and an analysis of resulting implications.
4-month project description (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Potential Partner(s) Evaluation. Develop a SWOT analysis of your organization and the prospective partner(s). Look at risks and opportunities associated with the partnership. Assess potential costs and make a recommendation on whether to pursue a relationship or not.
- Partnership Opportunities. Identification and initial screening of potential partnership opportunities.
Strategic Alignment
Strategic Alignment projects can help nonprofits examine their mission, vision, programs, targeted beneficiaries, desired changes, strategic objectives and supporting activities to understand how to achieve the greatest impact.
8-month project description: Strategic Alignment projects can quantify and analyze the allocation of financial and staff resources across programs, comparing this data against organizational priorities, provide recommendations for program modification or elimination, help organizations adjust to market changes, establish clearer alignment of authorities/responsibilities, and outline resources required to deliver impact. Alternatively, these projects can take the form of a “strategic planning prep” project and help ensure that the Board and organization leadership are aligned around mission, vision, and key choices in preparation for strategic planning and/or long-term goal setting.
4-month project descriptions (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Stakeholder Interviews: Mission and Vision Development. Interview organizational stakeholders regarding your organization’s mission, values, and do a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis as a key input into a strategic planning process.
- Client Satisfaction Survey/ Focus Groups. Survey the nonprofit’s client population regarding satisfaction with services received and/or conduct focus groups to identify areas for program improvement or opportunities to provide additional or modified services.
- Best Practices in Specific Area of Program Management. Review some aspects of a program with strategic implications and examine how competitors or other comparable nonprofits engage in this aspect of program management.
- Program Impact. Review existing program metrics. Identify new or enhanced metrics that are most consistent with your organization’s stated strategic objectives, potentially including a review of the information systems currently in use.
Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing projects help nonprofits better fulfill their mission and vision through effective marketing.
8-month project descriptions: Strategic Marketing projects help nonprofits better fulfill their mission and vision through effective marketing. The Compass team can devise a strategy to (1) establish existing services or products in a new market, (2) introduce a new service or product* in an existing market, or (3) increase awareness of services or products in an existing market
Please note: projects do not include collateral development. *For new services or products that are in the idea stage, please see New Ventures Service Line description.
4-month project descriptions (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Branding and Positioning. Evaluate and enhance brand definition and messaging. Recommend ways to increase awareness among target populations. Review communications, public relations, and marketing content to ensure all are aligned with the new brand and reinforce the mission.
- Marketing Roadmap. Develop a strategic marketing roadmap for a specific program or organizational priority. Provide recommended tactics to achieve identified goals (e.g., educating clients regarding program services, reaching new audiences, increasing participants).
- Marketing Budget Assessment. Establish measures that assess the return on investment (ROI) of current marketing activities and provide insight to inform the best way to utilize marketing budget.
- Digital and Social Media Strategy. Increase or strengthen digital and social media marketing. Recommend digital strategies to build awareness and maximize engagement.
Technology & Data Strategy
Technology & Data Strategy Projects help nonprofits leverage technology to enhance their ability to deliver on their missions and support their short- and long-term goals.
8-month project descriptions: Project objectives may include developing a more cohesive and efficient technology strategy overall or in a specific service area, or may focus more narrowly on how data collection and analytics can better enable strategic decision-making and impact reporting. Compass can also help nonprofits understand how to design and implement existing or new services that could be offered using digital technologies. These projects will assess and provide recommendations for staffing, processes, and technology associated with the organization’s stated project objective.
4-month project descriptions (projects can address one of the focus areas below):
- Using Data for Decision-Making. Assess how data collection processes, tools, and analysis can better support decision-making in areas such as financial management and reporting, managing volunteers, clients, or donors, or other internal areas. Research tools that visually show results of data collected.
- Making the Most of Existing Technology. Assess existing technology capabilities and recommend a strategy for more effectively using existing technology to support your organization’s strategic goals or to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Evaluate technology’s impact on people and processes.
- Assessing New Technology Opportunities. Determine opportunities to use new or different technology to improve organizational efficiency, effectiveness, and security. Can be focused on a program area or key function. Prioritize technology options. Create a timeline for implementing new technology while taking into account your organization’s goals and resources.
Creating an account in our new portal is the first step in applying for our services.
Application closed
Application Closed
Please note, the nonprofit mission must serve the Greater Washington metro region (DC, northern Virginia, suburban Maryland).
Got questions? We’re here to help!

Beverly Ross
Program Director – DC
Application closed
Application Closed
Please note, the nonprofit’s mission must support the Greater Philadelphia metro region including the following counties: Philadelphia, Montgomery, Chester, Delaware, Bucks, Burlington, Camden, and/or Gloucester
Got questions? We’re here to help!

Tamica Tanksley
Program Director – Philadelphia
Application closed
Application Closed
Additional Eligibility Requirements
- Mission supports the Greater Chicago community
- Employ at least three full-time employees
- Ability to support a team of six consultants during a 4-month engagement
Got questions? We’re here to help!

Melissa Lapica
Managing Director – Chicago
Application closed
Application Closed
Additional Eligibility Requirements
- Mission supports the Twin Cities community
- Employ at least three full-time employees
- Ability to support a team of six consultants during a 4-month engagement
Got questions? We’re here to help!

Mary Uran
Managing Director – Twin Cities
On Demand
Work one-on-one for eight weeks with a hand-picked volunteer experienced in your acute strategic challenge.
Choose from:
Thought Partnership
In a confidential setting, a Thought Partner (10+ years of experience) provides a trusted ear for scenario planning, courses of action, or facilitation of conversations among board, staff, and leadership. Depending on your needs, a Thought Partner can be available for informal calls or schedule formal, agenda-driven check-ins.
Consulting Project
From best practice research to customized analytic tools, a volunteer consultant (5+ years of experience) can provide you with strategic support on one topic. Volunteers are not expected to support implementation, although some do continue to work with their nonprofit client in a personal capacity after the engagement officially concludes.
How it works: Fill out our short application outlining your pain points from the topics below, and the type of support you’re looking for (thought partner or consultant). Then, we’ll hand-pick a volunteer from the local business community whose expertise matches your needs.
Who you’ll work with: One of our vetted local business leaders, many of whom hold MBAs from top-tier institutions, with specialized skills in the project area you selected.
Start your application!
Create an account in our new portal
- Cash Flow Analysis: Evaluate cash inflows and outflows over a fixed period
- Financial Model Creation: Forecast for revenues and expenses for a fixed period, based on a revised assessment of finances
- Digital Strategy Review: Receive recommendations related to donation engagement online and related processes
- Donor Analysis: Support for identifying most valuable categories of donors for outreach, using historical data and trends
- Map the Donor/Member/Patron Experience: Conduct an audit of donor, member, or patron journey, and provide recommendations to improve interaction across platforms
- Research: Provide an annotated list of relevant grant and funding opportunities
- Board Development: Review governance challenges (e.g., the articulation of the roles/responsibilities or appropriate activities of a nonprofit board); propose course of action recommendations
- Bylaws and Policies: Review with proposed recommendations for bylaws or policies regarding board operations, may include liabilities
Human Resources
- Benefits and Compensation: Review with recommendations for new or existing policies
- Organizational Management: Evaluate staffing needs, organizational structure, or employee engagement
- Transition/Succession: Develop a plan for future continuity of operations and leadership
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Assess existing DEI efforts for updates; develop plan for staff or Board recruitment and retention
- Communications Audit/Strategy Review: Review and/or refine messages for existing communications platforms
- Marketing Strategy Review: Review and recommend a plan, program or event; may include comparative analysis, market research, stakeholder analysis, etc.
- Partner Identification/Merger Assessment: Review the risks and benefits of a merger or partnerships, may include development of selection criteria, a feasibility review of existing programs, cash flow required to support programs, virtual options, suspension, etc.
- Programs Assessment: Assess feasibility of existing programs, may include review of cash flow required to support programs, virtual options, suspension, and partnerships
- Data Management: Assess data collection processes, tools, and analysis to better support decision-making
- Scouting: Support to identify requirements for new technology or tools; develop an acquisition and adoption strategy
- Technology Optimization: Assess existing technology capabilities and develop recommendations for more effective use of existing technology
On Demand projects are matched on an ongoing basis and are dependent on the availability of volunteers. As soon as an appropriate volunteer is available, we’ll set up a call with you to re-confirm your project priorities, and then initiate the match.
Eligibility note: Nonprofits must serve one of our current metropolitan regions.
Got questions? We’re here to help!

Lisa Gaffney
Director of On Demand & Strategic Planning