Project Database

Want an inside look at what happens on a Compass Pro Bono project?

Check out some of our past work

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Potomac Riverkeeper Network

Potomac Riverkeeper received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to evaluate their current fundraising strategies and identify…

Precision Messaging: PYSC’s Tailored Strategy

PYSC requested a strategic marketing project from Compass Pro Bono to better define and sharpen…

Pride ROC

Pride ROC received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to identify new sources of funding to allow…

Providence Center

Providence Center received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to evaluate and diversify revenue streams.

Public Narrative

Public Narrative received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to diversify funding by understanding the broader universe…

PYO Music Institute

PYO received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to diversify funding sources and deepen individual donor engagement.

Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities

Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities received a STRATEGIC MARKETING project to develop a go-to-market…

Quinn Center of St. Eulalia

The Quinn Center received a STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT project to refresh their mission, vision, and values…

Reach Incorporated

Reach received a BOARD DEVELOPMENT project to review and provide recommendations for board committee structure…

Reading Allowed

Reading Allowed received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to diversify its funding with a focus on…

Rebuilding Together Montgomery Country

Rebuilding Together received a STRATEGIC MARKETING project to conduct a market study and analysis of…

Recipe for Change

Recipe for Change received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to help develop a strategy for a…

Red Clay Dance Company

Red Clay Dance Company received a STRATEGIC MARKETING project to help communicate their story to…


ResourceWest received a FUNDING STRATEGY project to evaluate current funding sources and effectiveness of fundraising…

Revolution Institute

Revolution Institute received a BOARD DEVELOPMENT project to develop strategies to identify, cultivate, onboard, and…


RISE-DC received a SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS project which will analyze its short- and long-term sustainability.